The Top 5 Best Weight Loss Exercises to Do at Home

No matter how hard you may try, it can be difficult to find time during the day to get in your workout.

You might not have time for a gym or even the privacy of your home.

If this is you, don't worry - we've got some exercises that are perfect for anyone looking to burn calories and shed pounds from their waistline! The Top 5 Best Weight Loss Exercises to Do at Home

In today's article, we'll cover 8 of the best weight loss exercises that can be done at home.

Note: Before carrying out any form of exercise, please consult with your doctor or physician.

The way in which these exercises affect the body is different for everyone and it will be best to make sure your body is ready before beginning.


The number of muscles that an exercise engages at a time is an indicator of whether it's good for fat loss.

As you know, push-ups engage the chest muscles, shoulder muscles, triceps, and core muscles. Because of this, they are excellent for weight loss.

Here's how to do them:

  • Get on the ground with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Stretch out and lie flat in a straight line from head to toe.
  • Keep your core engaged throughout the movement, making sure not to let yourself sag towards the floor during the exercise or arch too high in order to make up for your lack of strength.

These variations will allow you to increase difficulty when needed:

  • Push-ups from elevated surfaces such as stairs/chairs/benches - this variation is perfect if you're stuck at home but eventually want push-ups that are even more difficult than what's described above! It can also be used later on down your fitness journey once you've perfected form using traditional push-ups.
  • Elevated push-ups on the balls of your feet - this variation is great for those who are new to push-up workouts and will help work towards triceps strength as well! It's also a good way to ease yourself into traditional standing push-ups if you're planning on taking it there eventually.

Why Are Push-Ups Good to Lose Weight?

Push-ups are a compound exercise.

Compound exercises engage more than one muscle group, which means that they work up your heart rate and burn calories at a higher level - therefore increasing the amount of fat you lose!

In addition to this, push-ups also have an additional benefit.

Because they involve moving your body weight against gravity in order to complete the movement, push-ups increase muscular strength without putting excess strain on joints or tendons. 

This makes them optimal for those looking to avoid injury while getting fit!

What equipment would help with pushups?

Push-ups can be done anytime, anywhere.

You don't need any equipment in order to complete them!

For those looking for a little bit more of a challenge or want an easier variation on the traditional pushup, there are products you can purchase that will help make it even simpler:

Medicine Balls - medicine balls are small enough to fit in your home gym yet heavy/large enough to add weight and force when completing various exercises such as push-ups. 

They're weighted spheres made out of rubber or other durable materials that simulate weights up to 20 pounds depending on size! 

If you'd like something easy just roll one ball under both hands at once while doing your reps.

This works great with beginners who have trouble keeping form while balancing on one hand.

If you're looking for a more advanced way to add weight, try medicine ball push-ups!

This is when the exercise becomes even more challenging because it engages your core muscles in order to complete the movement which increases focus and effort needed throughout the workout.

Medicine balls are available at most sports goods stores or can be purchased online here.


Similar to how push-ups engage multiple muscles, dips do too which makes them another excellent choice when looking for weight loss exercises that can be done at home!

There are quite a few variations of these, but we'll cover two here: bench dips and elevated floor dips.

Here's how each one is performed:

Bench Dips – grab a sturdy chair or bench with both hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Lean your body forward and place one hand on either side of the chair/bench, making sure that you're directly above it (so that if someone were to look under your arm they would see nothing but bench). 

Next, bend at both elbows so that you are supporting yourself with only your hands.

Slowly lower down towards the floor until desired reps have been achieved; do not let your feet touch the ground during this movement!

Once done for a rep, push back up using only arms strength until straightened out completely in order to complete one full rep. Repeat as needed or move onto elevated floor dips below...

Elevated Floor Dips – Grab something sturdy like another chair/sturdy box - anything about hip height that you can get a good grip on for support.

Lean your body forward and place one hand on either side of the chair/sturdy box, making sure that you're directly above it (so that if someone were to look under your arm they would see nothing but floor).

Next, bend at both elbows so that you are supporting yourself with only your hands.

Slowly lower down towards the ground until desired reps have been achieved; do not let your feet touch the ground during this movement!

Once done for a rep, push back up using only arms strength until straightened out completely in order to complete one full rep.

Repeat as needed or move onto traditional dips below...

Why Are Doing Dips Good to Lose Weight?

Dips are a compound exercise. Compound exercises engage more than one muscle group, which means that they work up your heart rate and burn calories at a higher level - therefore increasing the amount of fat you lose!

In addition to this, dips also have an additional benefit.

Because they involve moving your body weight against gravity in order to complete the movement, push-ups increase muscular strength without putting excess strain on joints or tendons. 

This makes them optimal for those looking to avoid injury while getting fit!

What equipment would help with dips?

If you'd like to make this exercise a bit more advanced, try adding weight!

Most of the options we've gone over already (medicine balls and weighted objects) can be used with dips as well. However, if those aren't available or maybe don't seem challenging enough for your needs there's always another option: weighted belts.

Weighted belts work by fitting around your waist just like any other belt would but have pockets that allow weights to be added on each side - up to 20 pounds depending on size/brand which makes them perfect for building muscle and burning fat at home! You can buy one here.


If you're looking to tone your core, look no further than the crunch.

You can do it on a mat or off of one as well! If using a mat, place hands behind head and lean back with knees bent at 90 degrees and feet planted firmly on the ground.

Slowly lower yourself towards your knees, making sure to keep your elbows by your side - don't let them flare out!

Once at the desired depth, slowly push back up using only abdominal strength until you are in a full sit-up position once more. Repeat as needed or move onto traditional planks below...

Why is Doing Crunches Good to Lose Weight?

Crunches are an isolation exercise.

Isolation exercises target one muscle group at a time, which means that they have the benefit of allowing you to more easily focus on specific areas in order to get them looking toned & tight!

In addition to this, crunches also have another great use when it comes to weight loss - especially for those who tend towards being inactive due to joint pain or other chronic injuries.

Traditional Planks

Planks are great for weight loss because they engage muscles throughout the body while also strengthening core stability and maintaining good posture over time through the movement's use of stabilising muscles that shouldn't get much attention otherwise (such as those found in our hips).

In addition, plank variations such as single arm/leg raises help work both sides evenly which results in better balance and symmetry.

To do a traditional plank, start by lying on your stomach with your toes curled under and arms extended next to you (with palms down if they're comfortable or hands clasped together for added stability). 

Slowly lift yourself up onto all fours; make sure that the only thing touching the ground is either knees/hands/forearms!

Once in position, slowly push back until both shoulders are above hips while keeping core engaged and body straight from head to toe - not letting any sagging occur at all.

Repeat as needed or move onto elevated side planks below...

Why Is Doing Planks Good To Lose Weight?

Plank variations such as single arm/leg raises help work both sides evenly which results in better balance and symmetry.

Elevated Side Planks

The elevated side plank is great for weight loss because it helps build core strength while also engaging muscles throughout the body in order to hold you up - especially those that are rarely targeted!

To do an elevated side plank, start by lying on your side with one forearm planted under your shoulder and legs stacked atop each other.

Push yourself into a full sit-up position using only arm & core strength so that hips are lifted off of the ground; elbows should be slightly bent but locked at all times when pushing back up (it's okay if they bend during the down motion). 

Repeat as needed or move onto traditional planks below...

Why Is Doing Elevated Side Plank Good To Lose Weight?

The elevated side plank helps build core strength while engaging muscles throughout the body in order to hold you up - especially those that are rarely targeted!

Tricep Dips from Chair/Stairs

For this exercise, you will need a chair or stairs that aren't too high up because we don't want you to hurt yourself by falling over backward!

Sit down facing forward and lift feet off the floor so hips are suspended in the air. Keep palms pressed into chairs for support while keeping arms straight - lower self until elbows form 90 degree angles then press body back up toward ceiling through shoulders.

Squat Jumps, Squats, and Jumping Exercises

Squat Jumps Squats and jumping exercises are especially great for weight loss because they engage muscles throughout the body and require a lot of energy to perform - which means that you will burn more calories than you would by doing other, "easier" forms of exercise.

To do squat jumps (or any jump variation such as tuck jumps), start in an upright position with feet shoulder-width apart and elbows bent 90 degrees at your side like two parentheses. 

Lower yourself into a deep squat then explode up through arms & legs until fully extended; land back into starting position on soft knees - no loud thuds! Repeat as needed or move onto lunges below...

Why Is Doing Squat Jumps Good To Lose Weight?

Squats and jumping exercises are especially great for weight loss because they engage muscles throughout the body and require a lot of energy to perform - which means that you will burn more calories than you would by doing other, "easier" forms of exercise.


Though lunges are similar in nature to squats, there is one key difference: we're only using one leg at a time!

This may seem like an easy form of exercise but it's really not when done correctly so take your time with this variation and aim to master it before moving on...

To do lunges (regular or alternating), start in an upright position while holding dumbbells if desired; feet should be shoulder-width apart from each other. 

While keeping the torso tall & core engaged throughout, step one leg forward so the front knee is bent 90 degrees while the back foot stays flat on the floor.

Press off of the ball of your back foot to return to start position then repeat with the other leg; switch legs as needed or do an alternating set (right, left) until complete!

Why Is Doing Lunges Good To Lose Weight?

Lunges are great because they engage muscles throughout the entire body and require a lot of energy in order to perform - which means that you will burn more calories than you would by doing other, "easier" forms of exercise.

Wrapping Up

The good thing is, the vast majority of these exercises can be done from home with little to no equipment at all - so make the most of it and get started!

This means there are no excuses for not doing these exercises!

Which one of these exercises sounds like something you could do at home?

Which one of these exercises do you think would be the most challenging for you?

What modifications might make it easier to perform a certain exercise (i.e. what types of equipment can I use)?

These are just some of the questions you should be asking yourself while thinking about the weight loss exercises you'd like to do.

It must also be noted that regular exercise alone won't be enough to lose weight.

You must also make a conscious effort to eat healthier and drink more water!

A combination of everything that we have suggested in this article will be what helps you lose weight!

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