Wall Ball Exercises: The Benefits and How To Make Your Workout More Enjoyable

Wall balls are a great way to get into an intense workout. Wall Ball exercises can be done almost anywhere, with just the wall and a rubber ball.

"Balls to the wall" has nothing at all to do with testicles. Instead, it's a phrase derived from military aviation and ultimately traceable back to "ball-shaped handles on throttle control levers."

Pilots would typically push these balls forward until they were up against the cockpit walls in order for maximum power production. Hence, "balls to the walls," signifying an intense effort towards something worthwhile or desired.

This article will give you some tips on how to do wall ball exercises and a few variations of wall ball that will help make your workouts more enjoyable!

The moment you approach the wall ball, it becomes more than an exercise. Your entire body is on fire and your heart rate will sky-rocket.

There are few things in this world that can give a person such intense feelings of exhaustion as pure unadulterated physical exertion.

Wall Balls are a great way to work your whole body and can be done anywhere.

The squat section works the lower-body muscles: quads, glutes, calves, and hamstrings before powering up the chest--your shoulders get in on it too with throwing motions that power you back into position for another round of squats.

All this core activation is only going so far without getting those legs burning from all these reps.

Wall Ball exercises are more than just building muscle; they can help with endurance in sports while improving how well we use oxygen.

The best part?

You only need two things for this exercise - an open area of floor space (about 10x10) and a set of relatively heavy dumbbells or kettlebells weighing about 3.6-5.4kgs each.

Jack Lovett, founder of Spartan Performance and two-time British strongman champion says that wall throws are one way to improve speed, power, and hip drive.

The person doing the throw must go into triple extension at every joint in order for it to be effective.

He also notes you don't need a heavy med ball - even with stronger athletes, he finds success using just 3kg balls because all they're looking for is how fast you can move them back up against the wall after throwing them down as hard as possible.

What type of ball should you use?

A wall ball is not the same as a medicine ball. Medicine balls are smaller, harder, and have a different purpose than this type of exercise which involves throwing it against the ground or at walls to get your workout going.

Wall balls also differ from slam balls because these types of balls involve heavy rubber that's made for slamming onto floors rather than tossing up high in an airy room like you would do with other exercises involving using ping pong-like paddles on courts.

A wall ball is vinyl with a padded outer layer, making it easier to catch. The ball comes in a variety of weights, with the average being around 2.7 to 9kgs.

But what does this mean?

When it comes down to choosing the correct weight for wall balls, there's one thing you need to consider - your core and upper body strength!

The ball should be heavy enough so as not to make doing the exercise easy but light enough so as not compromise form or hurt wrists on impact.

You will want to start light and increase the weight as you get stronger.

The types of wall ball exercises we'll be exploring are:

  • Slams - This involves catching the ball and quickly slamming it back against the wall.
  • Tosses - This is a more gentle type of exercise where you toss the ball up to your chest before catching it.
  • Squats - You stand with feet apart, toes pointing forward about the shoulder-width distance from each other.
  • Side throws - This is one of the more popular wall ball exercises. It involves throwing the ball to one side before catching it in a squat.
  • Jumps - This is the most difficult wall ball exercise but can be a great way to get some aerobic activity in with your workout! In essence, you just jump and catch the ball.
  • Crunch Throws - This exercise is a squat combined with a side throw.
  • Explosive Floor Press - Last but not least, this wall ball exercise is a great one for building muscle. You're able to build muscle while exercising.
  • What are the benefits of wall ball?

    The benefits of using a wall ball to exercise are numerous. Wall ball is a great way to get some aerobic activity in with your workout! It's also an excellent weightlifting exercise because you can build muscle while exercising.

    Wall balls are ideal for those who really want to focus on their core and abdominal muscles, as wall balls require constant stability work from these areas of the body.

    The wall ball squat in particular is a great way to improve your fitness and burn some extra calories.

    It also helps you become more explosive, which can be an important factor in many sports activities that require speed or power such as throwing the javelin for example!

    So next time you feel like getting those muscles burning with exercise, remember this move because not only will it help get rid of excess fat but at least one study has shown that performing 20 reps every other day may even increase how long people live by four years.

    How To Do Wall Balls

    The first thing you need to do before you start wall ball exercises is to set up your equipment.

    Your workspace should be about 15 feet long and ideally it will be a padded floor surface like rubber matting or carpeting, which keep the area from being too hard on your knees when they're bent over high balls.

    There are six different weight options available in CrossFit, and men usually use the 9 kg ball.

    In CrossFit workouts, it is common to see women picking up a 6-8 lb. kettlebell instead of the heavier versions that are designed for men.

    If you are at a gym where the walls have height markings, shoot for higher than ten feet; at many other gyms around the world, these heights are standardized.

    To do them, you need to hold your ball with one hand in front of your chest then stand about an arm's length away from the wall so that when you drop into a squat position (holding on tight!).

    Gravity will have enough force to throw the ball against its surface. The tricky part is catching it without letting go – because if this happens, there goes all that hard work!

    To make your workout more interesting, try doing ten to fifteen reps for three sets. You can either do wall balls or build them into a circuit – just see how many you can get in during the given interval!

    If that's not enough of a challenge, take some inspiration from CrossFit classes and add another exercise: 21 squats followed by 15 push-ups and finally nine pull-ups.

    For an even crazier workout, combine all these moves together so they're being done one after the other with no breaks - but be warned this might require insane levels of fitness!

    Wrapping Up

    For those who want to incorporate more slams into their workout routine, be sure you are using a wall ball that is the appropriate weight for your fitness level and goals.

    Wall balls are a great way to strengthen your arms and core.

    You can make the exercise more challenging by taking small steps and also trying different variations of this workout, such as having someone toss you the ball while you’re on an incline or with one leg up in front of you.

    Wall balls are a fantastic exercise for your entire lower body. And, they make an excellent warm-up before you go into tougher exercises or start running around on the field with a ball!

    These wall balls can be done anywhere and will give you more power when it comes to making that first touch in soccer or football.

    The best part is these workouts require little equipment, so even if you're not at a home gym where there are weight machines and mats all over the place, this workout still works just as well.

    Lastly, If you're looking for a way to build muscle and get in shape at the same time, try wall ball exercises.

    Wall balls are an intense exercise that can be done just about anywhere with no equipment required other than the ball.

    They offer many benefits such as increased strength, agility, balance, and coordination while also building your muscles.

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