18 HIIT Training Effects On The Body

HIIT is one of the most popular forms of exercise out there, and for good reason.

But what exactly is HIIT?

HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training, and it's a type of exercise that alternates between short bursts of high-intensity activity and brief periods of rest or recovery.

HIIT can be performed with almost any type of exercise, but it's particularly popular with cardio activities like running, cycling, and rowing.

The benefits of HIIT are vast. Not only is it an extremely effective way to burn fat (you can burn more fat in less time with HIIT than you can with other types of exercise), but it's also been shown to improve cardiovascular health, increase muscular endurance, and more.

But what about the effects of HIIT on the body?

Below, we take a closer look at some of the most significant ways that HIIT can impact your health and well-being.

Note: Before you embark on any new fitness regime, please check with your doctor to make sure it is safe for you. This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.

1. Can Make You Feel Tired

Depending on your level of fitness, HIIT can either give you a burst of energy or leave you feeling exhausted.

If you're just starting out with HIIT, it's normal to feel fatigued after your workout.

However, as your body becomes more accustomed to the high-intensity intervals, you'll likely find that HIIT gives you a boost of energy rather than making you feel tired.

2. Boosts Your Metabolism

HIIT is known for its ability to rev up your metabolism and help your body burn more calories both during and after your workout.

In fact, one study showed that participants who performed HIIT burned up to 9% more calories than those who didn't do HIIT.

3. Gives You More Confidence

As you get faster, stronger, and more fit, you'll start to feel better about yourself both inside and outside the gym.

Your newfound confidence will not only make working out more enjoyable, but it'll also give you the motivation to keep pushing yourself to reach new fitness goals.

4. Promotes Heart Health

HIIT can be an excellent way to improve your cardiovascular health.

In fact, one study showed that HIIT was more effective than traditional endurance training at reducing blood pressure and improving heart health.

5. Increases Endurance

If you find yourself getting winded easily during your workouts, HIIT can help.

HIIT training has been shown to increase muscular endurance, meaning you'll be able to exercise for longer periods of time without becoming as fatigued.

6. Improves Oxygen Utilization

HIIT training can also improve your body's oxygen utilization, meaning your muscles will be better able to use oxygen to produce energy.

This is important because it can help you exercise more efficiently and prevent fatigue.

7. Increases Anaerobic Capacity

HIIT can also help you exercise at a higher intensity for longer periods of time by increasing your anaerobic capacity.

Anaerobic exercise is an intense exercise that is performed without the use of oxygen, and it's the type of exercise that HIIT is designed for.

8. Improves VO2 Max

VO2 max is a measure of the amount of oxygen your body can utilize during exercise, and it's widely considered to be one of the best indicators of cardiovascular fitness.

HIIT has been shown to improve VO2 max, meaning you'll be able to exercise at a higher intensity for a longer period of time.

9. Increases Muscle Strength

In addition to improving muscular endurance, HIIT can also increase muscle strength.

One study showed that participants who performed HIIT had a 13% increase in leg muscle strength after eight weeks of training.

10. Can Make You Feel More Awake

If you are unfit, HIIT will make you feel tired, however, if you are used to HIIT, it will give you a burst of energy.

This is due to the increased metabolism from HIIT. It is also due to the increase in endorphins from HIIT.

Endorphins are hormones that act as natural painkillers and also produce a feeling of euphoria.

11. Can Make You Feel Like You Have No Energy

Just as it can make you feel more awake, it will also make you feel like you have no energy if you are not used to HIIT. In essence, your muscles run out of energy faster than they can be replenished with oxygen.

This is called lactic acid build-up, and it causes that burning sensation in your muscles. It also makes you feel fatigued.

12. Causes Soreness

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is the pain and stiffness you feel in your muscles a day or two after a workout. It is caused by the microscopic tears in your muscles that occur when you exercise.

This is why it's important to ease into HIIT training and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts over time.

13. Can Decrease Appetite

HIIT can decrease appetite, especially if you are not used to the intensity of HIIT. This is because HIIT training causes your body to release hormones that suppress appetite.

It's important that you maintain a balanced diet and eat enough calories to fuel your workouts.

14. Can Increase Appetite

HIIT can also increase appetite, especially if you are used to the intensity of HIIT. This is because HIIT training causes your body to release hormones that stimulate appetite.

It's a good idea to eat before and after your workouts to ensure that you are getting enough calories and nutrients to fuel your body.

15. Can Make You Feel Like You Have More Energy

There's a strange chemical reaction that happens when you do really intense exercise. It's called the "runner's high," and it can make you feel like you have more energy.

This is due to the release of endorphins, which are hormones that act as natural painkillers and also produce a feeling of euphoria.

16. Makes Your Body Ripped

The more HIIT you do, the more ripped your body will become. This is because HIIT causes your body to burn more fat for fuel, resulting in a leaner physique.

The great thing is, that you can get amazing results in a short space of time by doing HIIT two or three times a week.

17. Reduces Body Fat

HIIT can help you lose body fat, especially if you are carrying excess weight. Since you are using a burst of energy in such a short space of time, your body has no choice but to tap into the body's stored fat for fuel.

One study showed that participants who performed HIIT three times a week for eight weeks lost more body fat than those who did steady-state cardiovascular exercise.

18. Improves Cardiovascular Health

HIIT can improve cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure and improving heart function.

One study showed that participants who performed HIIT had a reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure after eight weeks of training. Another study showed that HIIT improved heart function in obese adults.

In Summary

So there you have it, 18 HIIT training effects on the body. As you can see, HIIT has a plethora of benefits, both for the body and mind.

Do you have any questions about HIIT training?

Let us know in the comments below!

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