12 Reasons Why You're Always Bloated

Bloating is a common problem that can cause discomfort, especially after meals. While there are many potential causes of bloating, some are more common than others.

Here are 12 of the most common reasons why you might be bloated all the time:

1. Eating too many foods containing gluten

Gluten is found mainly in grains like wheat, spelt, rye and barley but it's also found in products containing these ingredients such as breads, pasta (like spaghetti), pastries (like donuts) and many processed foods (like crackers). a bloated guy holding his stomach

Gluten is even found in some beauty products like shampoo, conditioner and lotion.

For many people, avoiding gluten can be challenging.

However, not only is wheat one of the leading causes of bloating in most people, it's also associated with several other common digestive problems including constipation and IBS.

2. Drinking too much soda or coffee

Soda and coffee both contribute to bloating in different ways.

Caffeinated drinks like these are what medical doctors often prescribe for patients that need to empty their bladders quickly before a medical procedure (like a cat scan).

The caffeine pushes urine through at an accelerated rate which can make you feel bloated because your body isn't absorbing water properly.

You'll urinate more frequently but won't get any of the hydration benefits from what you're drinking.

Caffeine also speeds up the passage of food through the digestive tract which can make you feel gassy and bloated.

It's important to note that caffeine is associated with constipation for many people, so part of what your body is trying to do when it feels bloated is push everything along more smoothly.

3. Eating processed foods or fast food

Processed foods are often difficult to digest because they contain refined wheat, sugar, salt and trans fats in addition to preservatives and artificial ingredients.

Because these ingredients are so hard for your digestive system to break down, they remain largely unchanged as they travel through the intestines where bacteria begin fermenting them in an effort to extract what little nutrition they have left after processing.

This fermentation process can cause bloating, gas and cramping in some people.

4. You’re not drinking enough water

Not only can this cause bloat but it can also make you feel ever more tired! If you want to avoid feeling this way, try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Besides being great for your body, it's also fantastic for your skin!

It helps keep our metabolism going so we burn the calories faster, which means weight loss among other things.

5. Too much sugar in your diet

Sugar that's left unused by the body gets converted into fat or cholesterol because that's what our body naturally does with sugar.

And if sugar is stored as fat, that usually means weight gain down the line.

So, what can you do to fix this problem? Well try cutting back on those sodas and those delicious sweets!

6. You’re not getting enough fibre

Fibre helps your body stay regular, so having a deficiency of it means the opposite for you - constipation.

Now imagine what happens when food isn't being processed quickly or efficiently enough through your intestines... hello bloat!

But don't worry too much about this - simply eat more fresh fruit and veggies.

7. You might be stressed

Stress can actually cause your intestines to become inflamed and also slow everything down, which is why it's so important to always try to relax whenever possible.

It may not seem like a big deal but stress is linked to serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure and even cancer, so be sure to find your happy place!

8. You could have an intolerance or sensitivity to something in your diet

There are many different names for this issue- fructose malabsorption, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance etc., but they all mean that your body isn't tolerating certain types of proteins well at all.

This means you either need to avoid these foods altogether or only eat certain portions of them.

9. You eat too fast.

When we eat too quickly, it means that the food isn't being thoroughly chewed and digested which can lead to poor nutrient absorption.

This is why you can feel stuffed even after eating a small meal... because you would have been better off chewing more!

Take time whenever you eat and enjoy your meal.

10. You could have an intolerance or sensitivity to something in your diet.

There are many different names for this issue- fructose malabsorption, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance etc., but they all mean that you're body isn't tolerating certain types of or proteins well at all.

This means you either need to avoid these foods altogether or only eat certain portions of them.

11. You’re not moving enough!

A sedentary lifestyle is clearly linked to weight gain and obesity because the body just burns fewer calories when it doesn't need to.

By getting 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week, you'll be sure to avoid this problem and also boost your self-esteem.

Why not go for a walk with friends? Exercise has so many health benefits and can really help relieve stress too!

12. You could have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

This means that there's an excess amount of bacteria in your small intestine which eventually leads to bloating and diarrhoea among other things.

This condition is usually diagnosed with a breath test but if you're having these symptoms then you should definitely see a doctor about it sooner rather than later.

Wrapping Up:

So, what’s the takeaway here?

If you’re bloated regularly and have ruled out food allergies or sensitivities, it might be worth considering some of these other potential causes.

Addressing the underlying issue could help get your digestive system back on track and banish those pesky bloat symptoms for good

It's normal to feel bloated after eating a large meal. The stomach takes time to digest food and expand to accommodate the new volume.

When the stomach is empty, it contracts and pulls in on the intestines, which can cause pain or discomfort.

This is especially true if you eat foods that are high in fibre or gas-producing vegetables like broccoli or cabbage.

Chewing gum can also lead to bloating because it causes you to swallow more air. 

If you're bloated and struggling to identify the cause, it could be time to talk to your doctor.

There could be a number of reasons why you're feeling this way, but getting help is the best step forward.

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