Is There A Relationship Between Health and Wellness?

couple exercising on a bridge

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has consistently stated that an individual should look to practice a form of physical activity at least three times a week with a minimum duration of 30 minutes.

Not only is this recommended for those looking to get or keep fit, but it is also scientifically proven that it also improves a person’s well-being. 

Believe it or not, gymnastics and walking are the most popular exercises. However, the WHO has welcomed any form of physical activity as it all contributes to the health and wellness of an individual.

No matter whether you are exercising on your own or in a group, as long as your body is moving and involving energy expenditure each day it is great for your health and mental wellbeing.

On the flip side, a lack of physical activity and exercise can cause you problems. According to the WHO, 70% of the world’s population is sedentary and may develop heart disease, diabetes and even eventually obesity.

The statistics show that those that live in cities are most at risk. For example, in Brazil, more than 60% of the adult population living in urban areas don’t practice an adequate level of exercise. This is a worrying trend considering 80% of the Brazilian population lives in cities.

The ones most at risk are the elderly, the disabled and women who live at a lower socioeconomic level. As they get older, their level of physical activity drops considerably.

When should you start exercising?

On the surface, this sounds like a trick question, doesn’t it? However, the best time to start is now! There’s no better time than the present.

The problem with any habit is developing the motivation to keep doing it even though we don’t always feel like. It’s these moments of crisis where the initial strategy breaks down and it’s hard to get remotivated to try again.

That’s why habit-forming is the best recipe for success. Especially when we’re talking about an exercise regime.

As you’ll learn when reading this, if you can perfect habit-forming, you should see added benefits in the rest of your life too.

So what are the 5 best health benefits of regular exercise:

Part excerpt taken from: Proof That Regular Exercise Provides Some Great Benefits

It Can Make You Feel Happier

You may find this surprising, but, regular exercise can actually make you feel happier and improve your mood. Since this is the case, your level of anxiety and stress starts to decrease.

So why is this?

It has everything to do with those chemicals buzzing around your body called serotonin and adrenalin.

Here’s a study that proves it:-

Your body also produces more endorphins which are known to help your body produce positive feelings and wellbeing. This may not physically do anything, but give the perception of less pain. 

So, if it makes you feel that much happier, then we could conclude that there is definitely a link between health and wellness. As your body produces these chemicals, it starts a chain reaction that goes all the way through your body and then eventually in your mind.

It Can Help With Weight Loss

Now before we go on. Let me just stress, that the whole weight loss thing is completely subjective and my point of view. 

Before taking on any sort of weight loss program, you are advised to seek advice from your doctor or medical professional.

Ok, with the disclaimer out of the way, exercise alongside healthy eating has excellent health benefits.

If you think about is from a basic form, if you burn more calories than you consume each day and you do this consistently, you should lose weight. 

Of course, there’s a bit more to it than that. But, studies have shown that regular exercise helps with weight loss.

It’s all to do with increasing your metabolic rate. By increasing it, you are aiding your weight loss.

Arguably, the more weight a person loses the better they feel about themselves. The better they feel the more motivated they are to continue training to either lose more or maintain their current weight. You could say that their wellness is undoubtedly increased the better they feel about exercising.

It’s Great For Muscles & Bones

By exercising regularly you are able to build strong muscles and bones. Especially if you are using various different exercises using weights. 

In the long run, this type of strength training increases your physical work capacity, it also improves your activities of daily living (ADL) too.

As we get older, our bone density starts to decrease. By regularly exercising with weights we start to improve our bone density. 

You may not feel the effect of this now. However, it is something you will surely benefit from well into your old age.

By strengthening your muscles means you are able to carry out other exercises a lot easier. The easier they become, the more confidence you have.

As your confidence increases and you feel yourself getting stronger, then your overall wellness will increase. The two go hand in hand.

It Increases Your Energy Levels

If you have struggled with your energy levels and find yourself constantly tired after walking or running for the bus, for example, then exercising can certainly help with this. 

Exercise is a massive energy boost and studies have shown that after 6 weeks of regular exercise they reduce the feeling of fatigue.

So what are some other benefits are there?

It helps with your quality of sleep. The more energy you have the less your body needs to work to relax and manage your body functions

Releases powerful endorphins which help manage your brain and nervous system

Reduces your stress levels. This also benefits everything in your life, not just from an exercise perspective.

  • Trains your heart to become more efficient in pumping blood through your system. The stronger the blood flow, the more oxygen reaches parts of your body that need it. 
  • Reduces Risk Of Chronic Disease

    One of the main factors of contracting chronic disease is lack of physical activity. This is something, especially the older generation suffer from. That’s why you should always continue regular exercise. Even into your old age.

    Exercise has other benefits too:

    Improves insulin sensitivity

    Improves your cardiovascular fitness

    Improves your body composition

    Decreases your overall blood pressure

    Reduces blood fat levels

    On the flip side, a lack of exercise will have the opposite effect on all of the benefits I listed earlier. The body is so cruel. Even if you stop exercising for just a few weeks you may add weight and increase the levels of your blood pressure etc.

    Therefore, I recommend a daily exercise plan if you want to reduce your chances of contracting a chronic disease.

    In summary

    As you can see from the few points made in this article, there is definitely a link and relationship between health and wellness. 

    The fitter a person becomes, the stronger they become. The result is increased wellness. 

    That’s why so many people find exercising intoxicating. It’s the way it makes you feel. It benefits not just your body, but your mind too!

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