Incline Bench Press for Triceps Development

Are you tired of not seeing the tricep gains you want? Look no further!

In this article, we will explore the power of incline bench press for toning your triceps. Incline Bench Press for Triceps Development

This exercise is not only great for building your chest, but it can also be a game-changer when it comes to tricep development.

So, let's dive in and discover how the incline bench press can help you achieve your tricep goals.

Understanding the Incline Bench Press

The Benefits of Incline Bench Press

The incline bench press is an effective compound exercise that targets the upper chest, shoulders, and triceps.

By increasing the angle of the bench, you can shift more focus onto your triceps and upper chest, which results in a more balanced and aesthetic upper body.

Targeting the Triceps

The triceps are a three-headed muscle group responsible for extending the elbow.

The incline bench press targets all three heads, but it particularly emphasises the long head, which is the largest and most visible part of the triceps.

By incorporating incline bench press into your workout routine, you can effectively tone and strengthen this muscle group.

Proper Technique for Incline Bench Press

Equipment Setup

To perform the incline bench press, you'll need a bench with an adjustable incline and a barbell or dumbbells.

Set the bench angle to around 30-45 degrees, and ensure the barbell is secured on the rack at an appropriate height.

Body Position

Lie back on the bench, planting your feet firmly on the ground. Your eyes should be aligned with the bar, and your body should maintain a natural arch in the lower back.

Position your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your elbows flared out at a 45-degree angle.

Executing the Lift

Unrack the bar and bring it over your chest, maintaining control throughout. Lower the bar to your upper chest, just below your collarbone.

Once the bar touches your chest, push the weight back up by fully extending your arms, focusing on engaging your triceps and chest muscles. Repeat this movement for the desired number of repetitions.

Variations of the Incline Bench Press

Using Dumbbells

The dumbbell incline bench press is an excellent alternative to the barbell version, offering an increased range of motion and independent movement for each arm.

This variation can help to address muscle imbalances and improve overall stability.

To perform the dumbbell incline bench press, hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level, and press them upwards, extending your arms fully.

Lower the dumbbells back to the starting position and repeat.

Close-Grip Incline Bench Press

The close-grip incline bench press is a fantastic variation to further emphasise the triceps.

By narrowing your grip, you increase tricep activation while reducing the involvement of the chest and shoulder muscles.

To perform this exercise, position your hands about shoulder-width apart or slightly closer, and follow the same movement pattern as the standard incline bench press.

Reverse-Grip Incline Bench Press

The reverse-grip incline bench press is another unique variation that targets the triceps and upper chest.

By using an underhand grip, you can increase the activation of the long head of the triceps and the upper chest fibres.

To perform this exercise, grasp the barbell with an underhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and execute the lift as you would with the standard incline bench press.

Incorporating Incline Bench Press into Your Workout Routine

Frequency and Volume

To effectively tone and strengthen your triceps, incorporate the incline bench press into your workout routine 1-2 times per week.

Aim for 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions, adjusting the weight as needed to ensure proper form and progressive overload.

Supplemental Exercises

In addition to the incline bench press, consider incorporating other tricep-focused exercises, such as dips, skull crushers, and cable pushdowns.

These exercises can further help to develop and tone your triceps, ensuring a well-rounded and balanced upper body workout.

Preventing Injuries and Ensuring Safety

Always warm up properly before attempting the incline bench press or any of its variations.

Start with a lighter weight to practice proper form and gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable with the movement.

Be cautious not to lift too heavy or perform the exercise to failure without a spotter, as this can increase the risk of injury.

In Summary

The incline bench press is an effective exercise for targeting the triceps, particularly the long head.

By incorporating this movement and its variations into your workout routine, you can effectively tone and strengthen your triceps, ultimately achieving a balanced and aesthetic upper body.

Remember to focus on proper form, progressive overload, and safety to ensure the best results.


Is the incline bench press better than the flat bench press for triceps?

Both exercises target the triceps, but the incline bench press places a greater emphasis on the upper chest and long head of the triceps. Depending on your goals, incorporating both exercises into your routine can lead to a well-rounded upper body workout.

How can I increase the weight on my incline bench press?

Progressive overload is essential for muscle growth. To increase the weight, gradually add more weight to the bar or use heavier dumbbells over time, ensuring you maintain proper form and control throughout the movement.

Can I use a Smith machine for incline bench press?

Yes, a Smith machine can be used for the incline bench press. This can provide more stability and control, particularly for beginners or those lifting heavy weights.

What angle should the bench be set at for the incline bench press?

Typically, a bench angle of 30-45 degrees is ideal for the incline bench press. Experiment with different angles to find the most comfortable and effective position for your individual needs.

Can I do incline bench press at home?

Yes, you can perform the incline bench press at home, provided you have the necessary equipment, such as an adjustable bench, barbell, or dumbbells. Make sure you have a safe and spacious area to perform the exercise, and consider investing in a squat rack or bench press rack for added safety.

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